Executive Message

I salute the people of Nyamira and the Nation of Kenya. And welcome you to Nyamira County. ‘A place to belong’.

The county has unique features, challenges and opportunities which we vowed to take up and tackle.  Mohatma Gandhi Said “the greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. 

Our resolve remains to bring together all the available resources, identify the opportunities and purposefully take an integrated approach to have all policies programmes and activities in the county aligned towards raising the welfare and sustainable quality of life and healing our society, people and ecosystems.

The county system of governance has given us an opportunity to serve the people at the local level and I confess it is a humbling experience.

Government formation enabled me realize the great human resource the county has, I call on all who expressed desire to serve the county in various capacities but were unsuccessful to join us in the development path.

I wish to thank my team of highly qualified professionals in their various fields who have agreed at a sacrifice to leave high paying engagements to work with me in a bid to serve the people of Nyamira and wish them all the best in their execution of duty.

We acknowledge that in the past the county like all other areas in the country was faced with the challenges of unproductive farming methods, poor marketing of agricultural and livestock products, environmental degradation and poor urban planning and management. My government seeks to improve agriculture especially in horticulture, livestock, grain development, Tea promotion by establishment of common interest groups and development of value chains that would assure farmers of auxiliary services among them roads, communication, security, insurance, banking and microfinance services.

To this end, we have in place and firmly established the Vision 2030 Demand Side Led Location Market Place Transformation Results Framework and the County Results Framework complete with a County Results Office spearheaded by the Vision 2030 National results partner forum that is overseeing  the coordination and implementation of my vision of servant leadership through building citizen ownership and  growing public sector capacity in social economic transformation by improving County productivity, drive demand and supply,  for the realization of the aspirations of the Constitution and Vision 2030 targets.

Health services pause a great challenge in Nyamira but through partnerships we seek to focus more on preventive health: community health education, nutrition, sanitation, hygine and disease control. With the little available resources we shall staff,improve and equip our health facilities and take all measures to make them accessible

Nyamira County offers an opportunity for persons keen on investment to come and exploit; we enjoy adequate reliable and well distributed rainfall throughout the year, good weather, arable soil, good temperatures and readily available water.

Our education sector has great potential with a well structured education system, institutions and professional staff.  Our school going children are about half the population whom we intend to impart upon the right Knowledge, Skills, Values and Attitudes as they are our future and we owe it to them. Vocational training falls in our docket and we are rebranding our polytechnics to be more relevant and attractive.

Sports has for a long time been viewed as a hobby and a part time engagement but no so any longer. Nyamira County boasts of many residents who have transformed their lives through sports and many Olympians have hailed from the county. We have prioritised sports development and sports facilities are up coming to engage and develop talent especially amongst the youth to reap the attendant benefits.

The environment hosts and feeds us, we endeavor to optimally but sustainably utilize the natural resources for own consumption and business; the rich flora and fauna, wood and forests, stone and hardcore for road and building  construction, wind energy, topography scenic beauty, waterfalls and ways, cultural sites gives a boost to our tourism .

Civil society is a great partner in Nyamira and we have embraced and are working closely in areas of civic education, democracy, governance and human rights advocacy, public health, water and sanitation and education.

We expect that though the efforts are marshaling, we shall in the near future have the following witnessed in our county and probably replicated throughout the country

    An attitudinal change among the citizenry from dependency to in-dependency
    An efficient, professional, responsive and ethical
     Improved public private partnerships for collective action at location level
    Transformation of half the population at location level from subsistence to agribusiness evidenced by participation in strategic common interest groups and established value chains.
    Attain increased income per household by 100% but not less than the National minimum wage.
    Embracing of national Values, vision 2030, entrepreneurship and enterprise development and working towards them.
    Improved coordination and service delivery through performance management and accountability framework.
    An evident better quality life and lifestyle.

This may not come easy but we are up to the task and leveraging on the support from the national government and all of us I believe it is achievable and we shall deliver the promises we made to our people.